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Attorney Lindsey E. Mills

Lindsey E. Mills


For over 15 years, Lindsey Mills has been representing employers in the defense of workers’ compensation cases, employment matters, and civil litigation in Iowa, Nebraska, and Missouri. Lindsey is also Shareholder of the firm. Lindsey has served as a council member of the Workers’ Compensation Section of The Iowa State Bar Association, a Blackstone Inn of Court member, and a member and vice chair of the American Bar Association’s Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section.

Lindsey has been a guest lecturer in a number of seminars, including the Iowa Workers’ Compensation Advisory Committee’s Annual Symposium, Claims Litigation Management’s conference, Polk County Bar Association’s CLE and the ABA TIPS’ Workers’ Compensation’s Section Midwinter Conference. She also frequently provides in-house seminars to clients on issues involving workers’ compensation and employment law, in addition to authoring articles for various publications.



Lindsey is licensed to practice in the states of Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri.


Drake Univeristy Law School, J.D.

Iowa State University, B.A.


Using Valuable Evidence: The Intoxication Defense in Workers' Compensation Trial Tactics, DRI's For the Defense, September 2009

Chair Columns, Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Law Committee Newsletter, 2010-2011


Panel Member, The Aging Workforce: The Nelson Case, Iowa Workers' Compensation Advisory Committee's 50th Annual Symposium

Speaker, Social Media and Workers' Compensation, ABA TIPS' Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Law Committee's Midwinter Seminar, 2013

Speaker, Iowa Workers’ Compensation Overview, 2019 Polk County Bar Association Fall General Practice CLE

Speaker, Iowa Workers’ Compensation Case Law Update, Iowa Ortho Conference, 2020

Panel Member, Agency Case Law Update, IWAC Web-Based Symposium, 2020

Panel Member, Bouncing Forward: Recovering from the Emotional Trauma of COVID-19, CLM Workers Compensation, Retail, Restaurant & Hospitality Conference, 2021

Panel Member, Using Emotional Intelligence for Success, IN TOUCH Mentor Series, 2021

Please contact me for a full list of publications and seminars, or request information on our free in-house training.


Lindsey spends her days away from the office with her husband, John and their three children: Jack, Will and Ellen. This Cyclone fan attends various sports and extracurricular activities with her family and volunteers time with her church and community.

Meet the Rest of the Team

Amber M. Bailey


Louis A. Capaldo

litigation specialist

Christopher S. Staab

billing contact